Opportunity vs Danger / by Alexander Lyadov

What do opportunity and danger have in common?

Both are born from chaos and carry inherent risks.

When everything is predictable, there is no fear, and nowhere to grow.

Well then, what sets them apart?

The opportunity presents an infinite upside and a limited downside.

Danger, however, can easily destroy you, but it can't enrich you.

No wonder why people have different perceptions of the same event.

Some are confident they'll benefit from X, while others panic: "I am toast!"

Hmm, what allows the former to spot opportunity in danger?

First, vigilance, ensuring no surprise ambush.

Second, experience in dealing with various kinds of novelty.

Third, the ability to see any phenomenon through multiple conceptual lenses.

Sounds like a plan for what to work on within oneself.

Yours sincerely,


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