Energy Thieves / by Alexander Lyadov

Recently, I regretted ordering food delivery from a restaurant. No, it was prepared just fine. Perhaps even delicious.

But quickly my head started to ache, and I lost the energy to do anything. It felt like the effect of a strong cup of coffee, but with a minus sign instead of a plus.

I was surprised, like, "Wow! Food can be an energy thief too." Oh, how naive! How is food any different from ideas, people, and events?

What you don't let in will inevitably demand energy from you. Ideally, this process should give us more energy than we invest.

However, sometimes we are careless about depressing news, parasitic ideas, and vampire people. We trustingly allow terrorists aboard our own airplane.

Usually, the price for a mistake is small, like in the example with restaurant food. Yes, but what if we do this constantly without even realizing it? No wonder there's no energy left for truly important things.

If that's the case, then the problem doesn't lie in health, age, or the environment, and the source of energy shouldn't be sought in supplements, vacations, or stimulants. We simply need to stand firm in defending our boundaries, double-checking every incoming stimulus: "Do I really need This?"

Yours sincerely,


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