No Price — No Value / by Alexander Lyadov

"Are you ready to serve on a board of directors on a pro bono basis?"

"No," I firmly replied to the recruiter's question.

With one exception, I clarified, it could only be a nonprofit organization whose goals resonate with mine or a company in crisis whose founder, as an individual, interests me.

In all other cases, in my conviction, there will be no benefit to the business without paying for the services of an independent director. Why?

Price is intimately linked to value. Unwillingness to pay signifies the founder's unwillingness to listen to and implement the advice of experts whom he himself invited. The entrepreneur is not yet ready to accept outside help, but is unaware of it. Therefore, his behavior is contradictory - kind of yes, kind of no.

Apparently, the initiative to create a board of directors has become a farce. The entrepreneur took a course in corporate governance or looked at his friends and pondered, "Why am I any worse?" Thus, the board of directors has transformed from a useful tool into a decorative element, a kind of tuning accessory.

Moreover, it is highly likely that the company lacks ambitious goals. After all, the greater the transformation ahead, the greater the sacrifice required to appease the Olympic gods. Attempting to save on the quality of decisions made signifies the founder's lack of understanding of the hierarchy of priorities. There's no point in trying to prove anything here; let reality teach a harsh lesson.

Conclusion: Don't waste your time on those who don't appreciate your advice. There are plenty of founders around who will generously reward you for helping their business achieve a breakthrough.

Yours sincerely,


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