A Flute Without Holes / by Alexander Lyadov

Playing a flute without holes is the hardest part.

This is the concluding phrase of one of Zen koans, which, in the student’s opinion, aptly expresses its paradoxical essence. It’s difficult to judge without knowing the koan itself. However, what struck me in this phrase was its literal meaning.

No engineering marvels or modern materials can help if the building’s foundation was flawed. The quality of the seams, diet, and rehabilitation lose their significance if proper disinfection of an open wound wasn’t carried out. Unlike minor oversights, a mistake in the fundamental assumptions nullifies any, even heroic, subsequent efforts. Even if it’s technically possible to mitigate the damage, the cost of such measures skyrockets.

Entrepreneurs wouldn’t be true to themselves if they didn’t act decisively, quickly, and boldly. Thanks to this ability, founders can move mountains that are beyond the comprehension of others. However, this gift becomes a curse in those rare moments when the racecar critically needs a pit stop. “Now is the time to think, not to swing a shovel,” my client said recently.

Sometimes, a pause is necessary to reassess global business goals or find a way out of a dead end. But it’s important to consciously slow down at other “turning points” when seemingly ordinary decisions will have disproportionately significant effects. For example, hiring a C-level manager, negotiating with a private equity fund, agreeing on terms with a major customer, pivoting the business model, and aligning vision with a business partner.

In business, just like in ballistics, a slight change in launch angle dramatically alters the projectile’s trajectory and firing range. Therefore, if you haven’t yet grasped Zen, maybe it’s not worth rushing to pick up a flute without holes just yet.

Yours sincerely,


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