Natural Authority / by Alexander Lyadov

Broken grappler ears signal: “Don’t mess with me!”

In the concrete jungle, a predator prefers an easier prey. Getting twisted into a pretzel or slammed into the pavement is an unnecessary risk.

Aesthetically and functionally, this is obviously sad. After an injury, training is hard, sleeping is painful, and you need to drain blood. Plus, hearing gets worse and forget about using AirPods.

These “califlowers” are so effective for boosting authority that some guys resort to deception. They break their own ears by instruction or pay a “specialist” to do it. The left ear supposedly costs more because another driver sees it through the window.

Here are a few lessons to take away:

1. People desperately want to find a hack in life. The temptation is irresistible when one procedure gives the same effect as years of training. So, verify everything: LinkedIn, reviews, credentials, etc.

2. Among animals and people, intraspecies conflicts rarely end in death. Most are resolved preventively: “This one’s not worth the trouble.” Damaging ears is foolish, but broad shoulders, a confident walk, and a keen eye will save you from many troubles.

3. In society, finding the truth is complex, read: expensive. So, people rely on hints, symbols, and cues. Ideally, valuable signals for you and others will emerge naturally. Your reputation, wisdom, and strength are just derivatives of your being.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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