Mono no aware / by Alexander Lyadov

Mono-no-aware (Japanese 物の哀れ, “the bittersweet beauty of things”) is an aesthetic principle characteristic of Japanese culture since the Heian period. It can be translated as a life-affirming, bright, tender, yet sad and melancholic contemplation of the world and everything in it. It means being simultaneously saddened and appreciative due to the impermanence of the world and the connection between life and death. Realizing the fleeting nature of all things deepens the understanding of their beauty and evokes a gentle sadness at their passing [​1​].

The combination of sadness and gratitude is quite strange. It sounds like a paradox, unlike most words we use. This means the Japanese managed to describe the pulse of life as it is.

Twenty years ago, I wandered through Barcelona and, on a whim, opened an unusual door. It was a theater hall converted into a restaurant. It was empty and dark. A black-and-white film was playing on the screen. Acid Jazz played. I climbed to the balcony and sat at a table with a white tablecloth.

Out of nowhere, a waiter appeared and took my order as if I had reserved all 300 seats. The food and wine were exquisite. I wondered to myself, “What is happening to me? This is surreal!”

Loneliness, melody, images, a mystical space. It felt like I had stepped through a portal into a parallel world. I felt both gratitude for the beauty and generosity of the world and an inexplicable sadness that I couldn't hold on to this moment and that it, too, would pass.

Now, this almost psychedelic experience feels like a dream. But I learned one lesson—treasures are all around us. Everyday life cleverly hides them. But the seeker will surely be rewarded.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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