Myth of Stability / by Alexander Lyadov

What's a salaried job like in today's business world?

a) You work in comfy spaces.
b) Use a set of efficient tools.
c) Tackle straightforward tasks.
d) Hit the goals set by the bosses.
e) Know what your colleagues are up to.

It's like being a ship mechanic - life isn't easy but is clear.

Then, one day you reach the top and take the helm as CEO. Wide horizons unfold before your eyes, but there's also this feeling of fear.

Turns out, simplicity, clarity, and stability are illusions, a myth. Around you, a wild ocean ready to crush your ship in an instant.

No one, not the board, team, or consultants, knows how to navigate. Everyone looks at you, expecting you to be the guide in all this chaos. But where do you find support?

Crises and loneliness create the heat and pressure of an autoclave. You either burn out or transform completely.

Now, your support isn't coming from a smart boss, expert advice, or the usual way things are done. You’re confident YOU can turn any disaster into a blessing.

And guess what? Starting your own business is just one step away.

Sincerely yours,


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