Lost, Found, Freed / by Alexander Lyadov

My buddy shared how he lost his home in the first month of the war.

It was his place of strength, safety, and comfort.

He poured a lot of love, time, and money into crafting that house.

And then, bam! Such a loss. Total reset, emptiness, and vulnerability.

Of course, his spirit was crushed, and the mood was gloomy.

But then, in his mind, there was a sharp turnaround.

Suddenly, he felt... absolutely free.

The new state was both exhilarating and heady.

Nothing tied him down anymore; he became light as a feather.

The range of options available to him grew at an exponential rate.

He lost something more important than a house.

But he gained something more valuable than walls and land.

What? He transformed as a person.

By the way, the story continues.

On his return to what he thought were ruins, his home was almost intact.

But he'll never ever forget the thrill of freedom.

Sincerely yours,


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