Meta-Reality / by Alexander Lyadov

Many believe that reality is what you can touch with your hands, dissolve in acid, or irradiate. For them, matter is the foundation of existence, and everything else is just a consequence and a derivative.

But there's another reality you can't put under a microscope. It's hard to even describe. Trying to find the right words is just frustrating: "Eh, that's not it."

For convenience, let's call it the "implicit reality."

You get its signals every day:

  • Confusion from a cab driver's strange behavior.

  • Hesitation before signing a seemingly lucrative deal.

  • An inexplicable resistance to starting a new project.

Sometimes the implicit reality stops whispering and grabs us by the collar and confidently carries us somewhere. In those moments, amazing things happen:

  • Our eyes flash with steel, and we cut off: "F@$k off!"

  • We are overwhelmed with the conviction: "Now everything will be okay.

  • We suddenly make a decision that's been brewing for years.

  • We hire the "wrong" candidate who becomes the #1 pro.

  • We turn our life around 180 degrees and feel a rare peace, and so on.

Inside, a piercing clarity reigns. Any arguments lose their power. Doubts and anxieties fade into the background.

Interestingly, the implicit reality doesn't give guarantees in the usual sense. The future might be even more uncertain. But for some reason, that doesn't scare us. The body may feel heavy, but the soul is light.

Only creative people can express the implicit reality. A few strokes of their brush, gestures, or phrases are enough to make us exclaim: "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Ancient texts, rituals, music, and works of art are portals to a world more real than the one we're used to.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.