Invisible Labor / by Alexander Lyadov

Some people see order as the natural state of things. The subway runs on time. Traffic lights work. Water comes from the tap. Passersby act predictably. Everyone's busy with their own lives.

But that's an illusion. Order doesn't happen on its own. It's the opposite. If there's a constant, it's chaos, always trying to tear everything apart.

A single heavy snowfall can paralyze a major city and turn civilized people into savages. And that's not even the eruption of Vesuvius or a biblical flood.

Why hasn't chaos won yet? That's the real miracle.

Countless people work tirelessly every second. They patch the holes in the ship of civilization, keep the wind from breaking the masts, and hold the spinning wheel steady.

They do this professionally and quietly, without demonstrations or social media posts. That's why naive fools think harmony, safety, and growth are the norm.

On any level—humanity, a country, a company, or an individual—that's not true. Each of us, in our own place, must quietly create this miracle.

Chaos is relentless, but the creative human spirit prevails.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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