Imagined or Real? / by Alexander Lyadov

What draws us to fantasy? It frees us from pain, gives us hope, or fulfills a secret dream. Maybe not forever, but at least for a moment, it fills our lives with harmony and peace.

The rest of the time, we suffer. And the suffering grows sharper, the bigger the gap between what we crave and what we actually have.

Imagination is like an icy bridge, promising to close this gap.

In front of us stretches a solid, gleaming path. But with every step forward, the ground beneath us melts away. Trouble is coming.

If imagination lies to us, why not accept reality?

Vanity. Arrogance. Pride.

It's like a spoiled child who refuses any meal or demands a new piss-pot every time. If he believes he's the center of the universe, he’s hard to please. A little god expects big sacrifices.

As the story of Buddha Shakyamuni teaches, even a king couldn’t keep his son trapped in an illusory world behind three palace walls. Sooner or later, reality will lure you out or break through the wall.

Yes, the real world doesn’t shine or smell sweet, especially in the places we wish it would. But why should mud be clean, or manure smell like “Chanel No. 5”? Trees and flowers don't care.

Reality is better because it's true. That means you can count on it.

Rain will soak, poison will paralyze, and electricity will kill. But that also means there can be crops, medicine, and light.

When does one thing turn into another? When we see reality for what it is. And who is man in that case? He is a Creator.

“Happiness is the coincidence between the imagined and the actual,” my therapist once said. I’m not sure about happiness, but there’s certainly joyful satisfaction in that.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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