How We Change / by Alexander Lyadov

A person says, "I'm tired of this life and want to change." He reads a lot, talks about it, and gets emotional. But there’s no action.

Why? The mind isn’t ready.

Change is not just about welcoming the new, but also letting go of the old. Throwing away things is easier than letting go of beliefs. Though the latter aren’t tangible, they can be more valuable to you than anything else.

The high value of limiting beliefs is explained by the fact that, at some point, they helped you or even saved you. For example, someone who has survived starvation might eat everything in sight, no matter how much is offered.

Any other behavior feels like foolishness, blasphemy, or even death.

And yet, time proves stronger. It might take years for someone to finally admit: "Wow, I’ve been lying to myself for so long."

There are ways to shorten those years into months or even days.

First and foremost, self-reflection—closely analyzing your behavior, desires, emotions, and feelings. It’s even better if an experienced person asks you deep questions and doesn’t accept fake answers.

Some people benefit from meditation or psychedelics, which boost neuroplasticity and can lead to a reevaluation of emotional patterns and old beliefs. Serotonin and dopamine production allow you to face obsessive thoughts and chronic fears openly. Your value system gets an upgrade.

Many people underestimate dream analysis—an approach just as effective and accessible. You only need to learn how to read the vivid metaphors the subconscious uses to bypass mental barriers and deliver important messages to you.

All these methods, and others, allow you to live in an alternate reality where current limitations don’t exist. This experience transforms you because you become convinced: "The changes I want are possible!"

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.