How to Cultivate Gratitude? / by Alexander Lyadov

"I'm curious, what helps you cultivate gratitude?"

The reader's question resonated with me, as I had been thinking about it recently. First and foremost, I know why it's important.

Along with free will, gratitude forms the ​foundation​ of a healthy "self."

I've also found that gratitude helps reduce suffering and allows me to embrace reality faster as it is.

This acceptance opens up new possibilities. Otherwise, they are hidden by despair, like wild strawberries in the grass.

Once we've answered the "why" question, we can move on to "how."

Three things are key: practice, practice, practice.

Whenever people give the slightest reason, I say, "Thank you." Or rather, I'm learning to say it because sometimes there's a silly barrier inside.

When I achieve something significant, I mentally address the one who gave me the necessary insight, patience or strength.

It's more challenging when something negative discourages or knocks me down. Here, to nurture the seeds of gratitude, I need reliable teachers – time and a therapist.

Throughout the day, I try to notice ordinary moments worth being thankful for. For instance, a heartfelt conversation, a great workout, the light of a rising sun, the scent of autumn, and so on.

Every morning I begin and every evening I end with the words: 'I am thankful for..."

Sincerely yours,


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