A Source of Confidence / by Alexander Lyadov

Ballet instructor Marianna Claire, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1976


How to replace helplessness with confidence? There are several ways:

  • Madness.

  • Foolishness.

  • Relying on others.

  • Knowledge and skills.

  • Faith in a higher power.

The madman lacks a device that assesses danger.

The fool is self-assured because in their world, there is no uncertainty.

Other people are family, friends, the community, or the state. They can assist, but certainly not in everything. Their resources have limits.

In contrast, in faith, there is neither bottom nor ceiling. It's boundless. The only complexity is that you can't grasp it with your intellect alone.

Knowledge turns the unknown territory into a map, and skills help you survive and thrive. Only apathy and idleness hinder our progress. Otherwise, you can build confidence every day.

All that's needed are:

  1. Gratitude,

  2. Curiosity, and

  3. Discipline (habit, ritual).

Sincerely yours,


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