Hello, Uncertainty / by Alexander Lyadov

It’s amazing how a drop of uncertainty changes everything.

Take this example: my partner and I are practicing new throws, repeating them over and over. Then we add a small twist—when it’s my turn, I have to choose a throw at random.

It seems simple. These are the same techniques we’ve polished today. It’s not even a fight—there’s no resistance from an opponent.

But suddenly, I’m overwhelmed with confusion and anxiety—my pulse quickens, my movements are clumsy, and the throws lose their precision. My brain knows the new patterns, but my body does not.

A slight change in context, and the knowledge falls apart.

The same thing happens with how we see the world. As long as the environment stays stable, we feel like we know, understand, and control almost everything.

But then something abnormal happens, and life collapses like a house of cards.

The trigger could be anything—betrayal by a partner, damage to your reputation, losing a business, a robbery, COVID, war, and so on.

Even smaller disruptions—new laws, a frozen bank account, or a power and water outage—can knock a person into despair: “How fragile my world really is!”

Luckily, adaptability is one of humanity’s greatest traits. The human body, mind, and spirit seem designed to skillfully pull something valuable out of uncertainty, again and again.

And as long as we’re doing this, we are truly alive.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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