Healing Emptiness / by Alexander Lyadov

For some folks, holidays, vacations, and downtime, in general, are a tough nut to crack. (Hi everyone, I'm Alexander, and count me among them).

No matter how hard they toil, new tasks are already breathing down their necks. In good times and bad, they have one excuse: "Not now!"

It is easy to admire and respect oneself for this attitude. Demanding parents, teachers and bosses love it too.

Unfortunately, one day the body says, "Stop!" or falls apart into pieces. In organizations, a crisis unfolds because one specialist carried the entire load. And if it's the founder or CEO, chaos instantly erupts.

What's the remedy? It's what they hate the most.

For the slacker, a "massage course" of discipline is recommended. The workaholic needs a series of injections of emptiness.

It's not about a one-year world tour on a yacht or a winter in a monastery. Simply set aside a day, an hour, or even fifteen minutes. This should become a regular personal ritual. One of my clients, a founder, named it "Silent Day."

The goal is to consciously do nothing. To be precise, eliminate the usual "To-do" list. Create space for what couldn't enter before. For instance:

  • Review family photo albums,

  • Read long-delayed non-business books,

  • Gather information about a mysteriously intriguing subject,

  • "Senseless" daydreaming: "What if I radically..." and so on.

"Leave a child alone with boredom, and each will engage in their talent zone," a therapist once told me.

The adult's task is to regularly return to their roots, recharging and renewing that part of themselves that's trying to become rigid.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.