False Choice / by Alexander Lyadov

Is business about competition or cooperation?

A mature person does not choose because the dilemma is false.

But people's psychotypes will push them to opposite extremes.

The first extols the thrill of the hunt, the epic of struggle, and the ecstasy of victory. The second is fascinated by the potential of co-creation and the synergy of a team.

The first despises irresponsibility and indecision in groups. The second fears restricting individual freedom, violence, and tyranny.

The first makes mistakes and loses opportunities because of pride. The hyper-tolerance of the second breeds chaos, confusing good with evil.

Truth lies in the dynamic tension between polarities, not in choosing one over the other.

Without competition, the invisible hand of the market atrophies. Planning in the style of the USSR will suffocate entrepreneurial initiative.

But without collaboration, we can forget grand plans. The local success will be the ceiling of the projects.

A wise leader knows how to apply both accelerator and brake. The art lies in dosing polarities according to the specific context.

Yours sincerely,


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