Evil of the best intentions / by Alexander Lyadov

Buying a puppy of a security breed does not mean you can sleep peacefully from now on. I’ve heard stories of a growing dog switching places with his owners, becoming a tyrant and keeping the whole family in fear. So, an attempt to protect himself from an imagined threat from the outside would translate into a real internal danger. If the owners are conscientious people and the dog is not only feared but also loved, then there is a stalemate - it is impossible to live together and impossible to part. Life becomes hell.

There is a profound thought in the novel Shantaram: “Evil comes from people’s efforts to change things for the better. When people long for change, as a rule, it is caused by the unbearability of their current situation. In doing so, they often turn a blind eye to the fact that there is no such thing as 100% beneficial change. In contrast to the abstract constructions of the mind, in the real world, everything is intertwined with everything by a decillion connections. Therefore, by shifting one element, we inevitably affect many others. And sometimes we do not realize the true scale of the consequences. A trivial example - buying a gas heater protects from blackout in cold winter, but carries a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Buying a firearm for self-defense brings psychological relief: “Phew, I’m armed,” but without long training, a carbine is more likely to strike an agitated owner than an experienced marauder.

It is nonsense both to stubbornly refuse all change and to hastily accept any change ostensibly for the sake of progress. Knowing that nothing comes free, the first question should be: “What price will we end up paying for it?” The seasoned entrepreneur differs from the novice in that he changes his business in a paradoxical fashion - greedily exploring all available alternatives but grudgingly accepting the best one.

Sincerely yours,


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