A gracious injustice / by Alexander Lyadov

The consumer doesn’t care how much effort and money you put into the product. The customer doesn’t care if you get bombed, have Wi-Fi or hot coffee. Sure, they’ll discount force majeure once or twice, but if your deliveries become unpredictable and communication is regularly lost during a call, it’s a matter of time before the order is passed on to someone else under plausible pretext. And rightly so. The customer only cares about the value they get from using your product or service.

The first impulse is to resent the unfairness of fate and indifference of consumers, because of which the fruit of your efforts has not received proper recognition and reward. Except there’s no use at all from such an attitude, and the harm is palpable. As soon as the word “injustice” sounds in business, unnecessary problems immediately arise. Irritation, resentment and anger undermine your resources and narrow the perception of reality. And yet it has a gift for you. Look a little differently.

Since your clients don’t care that you had to invest too much effort in your creation, it also means that your microscopic investment doesn’t bother them either. In other words, if you’ve managed to come up with a stunningly useful solution for a customer in one day rather than a year, then the 364 days you’ve saved are all yours. So a true entrepreneur is more than motivated to spend a dollar instead of a million to create Something out of Nothing.

Sincerely yours,


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