Essence and nonsense / by Alexander Lyadov

When you become passionate about something new, whether it's a job, a hobby, or a sport, you often pay too much attention to the outward form rather than to the essence. Sometimes it gets to the point of absurdity when newcomers argue fervently and arrogantly about why one trinket is more important than another.

I myself shudder to recall the early years of my motorcycle hobby, when I spent an insane amount of time and money on advanced tuning of my "racehorse". Reading the endless threads of discussions on biker forums, I conducted a multi-criteria optimization before buying the exhaust, turn signals, license plate holder, motorcycle jacket, etc. In terms of the intensity of the analysis process, each decision resembled preparing for a PE fund investment committee meeting about an eight-zero deal. A similar dynamic was repeated in the early years of my fascination with Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Instead of researching the details of the techniques shown by the coach the day before, I collected and double-checked reviews to choose the perfect kimono.

Later, of course, that obsession went away. Hundreds, or even thousands of hours of riding and wrestling drew a clear line in my mind between the essential and the non-essential. I began to understand a philosophy based on the principle of necessity. It is an honest answer to the question, "What is necessary at this moment?" Not someday, but here and now. Not for someone, but for me. It turns out that I need to acquire very little, sometimes even nothing.

And in business, and in life, the main thing that does not require us to make expensive investments, move, change partners and other dramatic upgrades to external forms. Knowing what is most essential allows us to make the choice of the best fulcrum for our effective efforts. Thus, the creation of the most effective leverage occurs solely in our minds.

Sincerely yours,


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