Don’t sell / by Alexander Lyadov

Nothing interferes with the purchase of a product or service as much as the seller’s persistent attempts to impose it on you. Even if you were disoriented, confused, and he managed to sell you something, you will never go to this seller again. Violence, after all, no one likes. Unless it’s consensual, like in sports, sex, or games. Nevertheless, there are many industries whose processes are sharpened for one purpose — how can consumer resistance be circumvented, outsmarted, or hacked?

The idea that the consumer needs to be cracked open like a bank safe seems fundamentally false to me. The implicit assumption is that the product is rare crap and no one will take it willingly. An even deeper assumption is “My product or service cannot be radically improved.” Figuratively speaking, he who is born a spear sees in everyone he meets nothing but a target. In other words, the sense of hopelessness of the impasse breeds resentment and hatred, and they, in turn, justify a willingness to manipulate others to get his way.

Every animal has its own competitive advantage or crowning technique. Man’s gift is his creativity. The ability to ingeniously untie cunning sea knots, tied by fate, allows humans to adapt quickly to anything and successfully survive for 2.6 million years. If ancient man was able to master fire and create tools from stone, can’t a manufacturer in the 21st century reinvent his product so that its value in the eyes of consumers grows exponentially?

When customers derive stunning value from using your service, you don’t have to trick them, smooth-talk, or change their minds. The best sales are when you don’t have to sell anything. Customers happily get in line to buy your exceptional services again.

Yours sincerely,


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