A true expert / by Alexander Lyadov

Splinter with rose in his hand

Unknown artist

It used to be that for knowledge one had to go to the central library or borrow a forbidden book from friends with a promise to read it overnight. I remember as a child gnawing at copies of pages with b/w illustrations of sambo and karate moves. Today the problem is different - how to discern a diamond in a mudslide of content. That’s why in any field I try to find the best expert and draw knowledge from him. In jiu-jitsu — John Danaher, in health — Andrew Huberman, in kettlebells — Mark Wildman, in business — Naval Ravikant, etc.

In addition to the obvious criteria - whether the qualifications are sufficient, whether he is trustworthy, and whether he presents knowledge clearly - what matters to me is whether the expert has a systematic approach. This means a holistic set of interconnected elements, when there is not just a set of lenses of different diopters, but a microscope. The Internet is full of Brazilian jiu-jitsu techniques, which by their exoticism are stirring up interest. The problem is that they don’t relate to each other. Their study makes your fight chaotic - sometimes you get something, but there is no stable result. Also, most tips are only appropriate for specific bout conditions, body anatomy, etc. The one who gives advice does not bother to indicate the limits of applicability of his tool. The student can only wonder whether he is slow-witted, or whether the pseudo-expert is lying.

Coach John Danaher is another matter. Each of his video courses has a clear structure, hierarchy and principles that allow you to quickly grasp a complex topic. All courses, like Lego bricks, fit together perfectly. Therefore, with each studied subsystem, the increase in knowledge is not linear, but exponential. Most importantly, John’s advice is highly reproducible, that is, 99% of the techniques in the video course I can immediately repeat with a sparring partner. Every contact with an expert should leave you with a feeling of infinite depth of knowledge. He is willing to share it generously. All that is required is a willingness to take them.

Sincerely yours,


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