Unhooking Desire / by Alexander Lyadov

In negotiations, the winner is the one who wants the outcome the least.

How can that be? Isn’t everyone trying their hardest to get what they want?

No. That’s a popular, but not the best, way to make deals.

Fierce head-butting wears both sides out. If you do this often, there's a risk a third party—a competitor—will win.

The ideal negotiation ends effortlessly, almost by itself. But how?

You must eliminate the possibility of being tempted or scared.

Desire is the only thing that hooks you, my therapist explained.

Here’s the dilemma: you need desire to enter negotiations. But you must let go of that desire to win them.

Find one or two alternatives to get what you want either way.

Instead of negotiating, you simply present the reality to your counterpart: "This is how it will be..."

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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