Creating In Desert / by Alexander Lyadov

Sometimes I have no idea what to write.

Looking inside, I see an endless desert.

There's no sign of life, so even straining my vocal cords seems pointless. The desert remains deaf to both curses and pleas. The quiet rustling of sand induces drowsiness.

In such moments, self-awareness becomes crucial. Sometimes, it's better to stop resisting and take a "power nap. Thankfully, the ​NSDR protocol​ by Andrew Huberman is always available. After 15-20 minutes of this reboot, clarity dawns, and energy, ideas, and words appear out of nowhere.

Other times, it's just about observing drowsiness as it washes over and gradually recedes. It reminds me of the ten-day Vipassana meditation retreats in India. The voice of S.N. Goenka patiently explained that even the most tormenting sensations and thoughts inevitably lose their power. It turned out that absolutely everything happening within and around us can become an object of observation. All I had to do was accurately describe what I saw.

Now it's funny to remember that there was nothing to write about, right?

Yours sincerely,


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