Conquering the Current / by Alexander Lyadov

A rip current - the deadliest coastal current. It emerges during low tide as the water retreats into the sea.

What's the typical mistake beginners make? In fear, they paddle against the current. As a result, they remain in the same place but quickly exhaust themselves. To survive, it's crucial not to resist the current but rather swim perpendicular to it, meaning parallel to the shore. After 20-50 meters the current dies down and you can easily reach solid ground.

Our resource is nothing compared to the power of the ocean. It is undoubtedly stronger than us, but we can act wisely. Instead of making a foolish choice - arguing with the elements or surrendering to them - it is better to choose a third option - explore them. Currents, epidemics, or market crises have a direction beyond which they are harmless or weak. By the way, the best jiu-jitsu trainers advise attacking opponents not head-on but from the flank or, even better, from behind.

Remember this the next time a serious problem overwhelms you. When our resources are limited, finding a point of leverage becomes paramount.

Yours sincerely,


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