Change of Power / by Alexander Lyadov

Sometimes a hostile takeover of a company comes from within.

The true owners of the business become its employees.

From this point forward, the company is doomed to stagnation and demise. Why, you ask? To grow quickly and successfully, a business must continually reinvent itself. Unfortunately, collectives are incapable of making revolutionary decisions.

As the philosopher and writer G. K. Chesterton once said, "I’ve searched all the parks in all the cities and found no statues of committees." Whether in real life or in fairy tales, the hero is always an individual.

A change in power occurs unnoticed. It may seem to the market that, as before, the founder is at the helm. But, in reality, it's the 'power behind the scenes' that calls the shots: HRD, COO, CSO, CTO, and the like.

A struggle for power with the formation of temporary alliances takes place among these "feudal lords." The organisation's original purpose is forgotten in favour of local interests.

Yet, there's no need to blame the employees. They simply fill the void. Who created it? That's right, the founder.

There are many reasons for this. One entrepreneur burns out. Another is seduced by utopian ideology. A third hits the "glass ceiling" and loses interest in the company. That's how the owner disappears.

Luckily, everything can be a fix. The key is the founders' willingness to understand why they themselves are destroying what they've built for so long.

Sincerely yours,


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