Analyzing Life / by Alexander Lyadov

The beauty of the mind lies in its ability to dissect anything.

Analysis originates from the ancient Greek word ἀνάλυσις, signifying division, dissection, and breakdown. The mind's function is to understand, explain, memorize, and predict phenomena to control them.

Indeed, the secrets of the material world unfold through this process. We learn which elementary particles form its foundation and the cause-and-effect relationships between them.

However, the mind stumbles and painfully falls each time it attempts to analyze humans in particular and life in general.

The problem is that analysis is not arbitrary; it always rests on a certain paradigm explaining the surrounding world. Metaphorically, it's like relatively solid ground, an island wrested from the chaos ocean.

But no matter how great the island is, wherever you look, water surrounds it. At any moment, our knowledge is limited, while ignorance is not. The world is certainly knowable, but never fully so.

This fact is easily forgotten when spending days in the laboratory with a chromatograph or microscope. The problem with intelligence is that it falls in love with its creations and tries to reduce the richness of life only to them.

However, life doesn't fit into a ready-made form, which astonishes or even enrages the mind. And sometimes, a catastrophe occurs. The island is hit by a tsunami, shattering the paradigm that the mind has painstakingly built.

By castrating pride, reality indicates the true place of the mind. Despite all its merits, it cannot be the chief. There must always be someone else above it. When the hierarchy is restored, many positive things emerge:

  • Curiosity and confidence replace fear and anxiety.

  • Intelligence serves correctly, bringing benefit rather than harm.

  • Appreciation extends not only to what exists but also to what can be.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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