Accessible Magic / by Alexander Lyadov

"Catching frogs and snakes is way easier than a moose."

"The best drink for transitions - pine needles in a thermos."

"He suffered a stomachache but ate charcoal from the fire. It helped."

"Dried cattail "cigar" fluff can be used as insulation in clothing and shoes."

Lars Fält's guide, a Swedish military expert on wilderness survival, is filled to the brim with insights. But more than the value of the advice, what I love is the overarching idea running through the guide like a red thread:

Survival is less luck than knowledge and skill, for all life-saving resources are, have been, and will be at our fingertips.

It's easy for the ignorant to believe that the whole world is against him. He hears his stomach growl as he steps on carbohydrate-rich plantain roots. Thirsty, he sees a birch tree, but not its tasty sap.

In this sense, a survival expert, entrepreneur, athlete, and sculptor are alike. Like wizards, they see a completely different reality than spectators from the sidelines.

They create everything from nothing, make a fire out of ice, pull a rabbit out of a hat. The audience is stunned, but they simply smile. Knowledge is available to everyone 24/7/365, but not everyone reaches for it.

All this doesn't discourage me; it inspires me. With time and diligence, you can become a "Lord of the Rings" in any field.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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