Your Hidden Ace / by Alexander Lyadov

People frequently squander their precious resources.

Blame it on the "sports" mindset.

After all, in sports, opponents' chances are equalized through:

  • referees,

  • age restrictions,

  • weight categories,

  • standardization of equipment,

  • a ban on doping, and so on.

Why? Fans crave drama, willpower clashes, and supreme skill.

Example: MMA enthusiasts admire those epic battles where two fighters turn each other's faces into mush. On the flip side, critics slammed Canadian fighter GSP for his "too boring," read effective, victories in the spirit of "came, saw, conquered."

School, university, and the 9-to-5 grind reinforce the sports mentality. Society rewards players for the best performance within the established rules of the game.

The problem is that sports are a convention. As a tool for skill development, it's valuable, but nothing more. In the real world, no force actively levels the playing field between you and your vis-à-vis.

In reality, the victor is the one armed with the leverage, the ace, the edge. It's about creating an asymmetric advantage, turning a powerful aggressor into a helpless child. For instance:

  • the element of surprise,

  • unprecedented technologies,

  • a knowingly accumulated reserve of strength,

  • creative use of the surrounding environment,

  • disrupting the adversary's internal harmony and cohesion,

  • outpacing the opponent in decision-making speed, and so on.

Your leverage enables you to achieve a massive impact with minimal resources: energy, money, and time.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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