Why people can't agree? / by Alexander Lyadov

Why is it so difficult for people to agree with each other?

You'll be surprised if you read until the end.

One suspects everyone of having evil intentions.

The other feels trapped by imposed impossible conditions.

The third considers the potential partner a fool.

Like, he just doesn't seem to grasp his obvious advantage.

Promising partnerships fail to materialize or suddenly fall apart.

In reality, the reason often lies elsewhere.

People can't come to an agreement because they don't know themselves.

Externally, we all look similar, but inside each of us has our own inner drama club.

Psychotype, parents, and a chain of early events shape our lives.

The inner conflict goes unnoticed, and therefore, unacknowledged.

The drama is projected from within onto objects and people.

A similar script is replayed with everyone, always and everywhere.

This goes on endlessly until one gets tired to death.

The weary gaze finally turns inward in search of insight.

Knowing what drives a person grants the choice of how to act.

Once you reconcile with yourself, reaching agreements with others becomes easy.

Yours sincerely,


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