Who really holds you back? / by Alexander Lyadov

Up to an average size, a business is a reflection of the founder's personality. The market, laws or global cataclysms are of course also significant, but they have roughly equal impact on all players. Therefore, the potential of a particular business is limited to nothing more than a combination of the founder's strengths and weaknesses. It's like factory firmware, which prevents a BMW from making a sharp acceleration, no matter how much you step on the gas, though the engine has power reserves.

A creative founder, for example, instantly catches promising new ideas and trends that can multiply the value of a business in a few years. However, his irrepressible thirst for novelty prevents him from turning the plucked apple into jam - the entrepreneur throws away the bitten fruit, because his hand is already reaching for the quince. The situation repeats itself again and again year after year. Standing on the rotting fruit, the Founder looks around in confusion: "What is wrong with me? Why am I losing as much as I am finding?

The other situation is when all the processes are set up and structured so that the business runs like a Swiss watch. However, despite controlling the metrics to the second decimal place, the company is barely growing. The entrepreneur looks everywhere for promising ideas, employees and customers, but they are either rare or do not take root, like seeds planted on rocks. The root cause is different, but the financial outcome and the founder's confusion are the same as in the first example.

Is it a gloomy picture? Well, it all depends on the point of view. Gloomy is when you don't know if there's a black cat in the dark room. And if you know where the "bottle neck" is, then, in fact, there is no shortage of opportunities. Virtually every business, excluding the very neglected, can become much more stable, bigger and profitable. But on one condition - the founder must admit to himself that he (or she) is the main limitation. From there, it's simpler - change grows like a snowball. Following the transformation of the owner's attitude, the business begins to improve right before your eyes.

Yours sincerely,


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