Who Limits You? / by Alexander Lyadov

Some people seem to be under a spell, living as if they're in a dream.

They yearn with all their hearts to lift this curse, but can't. It's holding them back and poisoning every part of their lives.

The irony is that they are both the victim and the evil sorcerer.

For example, they believe their secret is so disgusting, dirty, or terrifying that it can't be shared with anyone. They think the listener will start to despise them, fall apart, or scream, "Help!"

Of course, these are fantasies that have grown out of loneliness.

One day, a breaking point comes. They can't drag on with this zombie existence anymore. They pour their soul out on social media. Or, if they're lucky, to someone who has earned their trust.

What makes this listener different from all the others?

Your "monstrous" secret doesn't scare him (or her). He accepts it gently and calmly, just like he would with your sweetest news. More than that, he shows you a different way to look at it.

The key is, your listener shows indestructibility. You've been searching for this for so long. In this moment, the curse weakens or even fades away.

But why is this person unbreakable where others "melt"?

First, he's heard so many "unbearable" secrets that it's hard to surprise him. Second, he's already done the colossal work of taking inventory of every skeleton in his closet.

Finally, he's learned that life, like electricity, only happens when there's a cathode (-) and an anode (+).

"Without a shadow, there can’t be a substance.," said philosopher Alan Watts.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.