When Conflict Is Good? / by Alexander Lyadov

Humans are wired to seek conflict everywhere. But sometimes, finding it is tough. Like when life's stable and comfy because the basic problems are sort of solved.

Then folks invent conflict out of thin air.

In families, a trivial thing sparks serious drama. In business, a co-founder suddenly decides, "All success is because of me." Society goes on a witch hunt.

Sometimes, behavior looks suicidal. People are ready to risk wrecking their cozy world just to avoid boredom.

So, what's the conflict's secret? Why do people crave it?

Because conflict is life itself. Remember those physics and chemistry lessons? The potential difference between the cathode and anode creates a directed flow of charged particles, aka electric current.

Despite today's chaos and mess, conflict promises movement, growth, and development in the future. Nature abhors a vacuum. Life will sprout anew from the ashes in different forms.

Why is conflict harmful sometimes and helpful other times? It depends on who found the conflict first—our subconscious or ourselves.

In the first case, we end up as victims. Someone or something is to blame. It happened to us against our will. If we survive, there's a chance to become a bit wiser. Not because of, but despite it.

The alternative? Willingly choose the conflicts where you'll find the most meaning and growth.

That's why wise founders don't start changes when the business is going down, but when it's going up.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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