What Type of Tool Are You? / by Alexander Lyadov

Sometimes it's handy to see yourself as a tool. Then there's a certain Function X someone made you for. If there's an emergency, you can be used for Function Y. But that's inefficient and shouldn't be the norm.

Function X dictates the exact form the tool should take. If any part of the tool breaks, rusts, or weakens, its efficiency drops. The function comes to the rescue. At any moment, it suggests a plan: what to clean, tighten, and fix.

Unfortunately, nobody tells us in the maternity ward why we're invited to this world. Throughout life, each of us seeks the answer: "Who am I? What's it all for?"

Partly, our preference helps: "Let me do this instead of that."

Any activity has its function, whether it's service, business, science, or sports. It provides a pull and a direction. For example, a wrestler, archer, and runner have different bodies and minds.

We choose the activity, and it carries us along. Remember how Baron Munchausen pulled himself and the horse out of the swamp by the pigtail?

The question of finding your Function X remains open.

Ideally, as the years go by, we get smarter. Trying many things, like in a child's game, we decide if it's "cold" or "warm." The main thing is not to get stuck anywhere. Let go and keep experimenting.

One day, there will be a match: Activity X + your Function X.

Alternative: you create a business of your own.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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