Moderation is a word that has been stubbornly coming to my mind lately. What are the first associations with it? Laziness? Slowness? Boredom? After all, in today’s culture, super-effort and quick success are the most extolled. People are too desperate, too tired, and in too much of a hurry to dig deep, prepare carefully, and implement methodically. Moderation is an inadmissible luxury; everything is already needed for yesterday. In response to such an intolerable itch, the market willingly offers snake oil. In fitness — it’s magical challenges, in nutrition — a miracle diet, in business — another managerial fad, guaranteeing a quick 10-fold growth.
Reality demonstrates a paradox. Fast acceleration is the way not to the finish line, but to the ditch, not to the gold medal, but to the surgical table. On the contrary, progressive movement toward a clearly defined goal only seems like an annoying waste of time, but in the end gives high predictability of the result and control in the process. For example, the coaches of elite athletes unanimously assert that progress in jiu-jitsu is determined not by knowledge of secret techniques, but by the amount of work done on the tatami, the main condition of which is zero absences due to injuries. Victory is ensured not so much by physical attributes, as by technology. The latter creates the effect of a Lever, not limited in length. And for technology to grow into the body, it is not enough to understand it with the mind - you need to work it out with the body in sparring and drills.
Instead of chaotic attempts to become a king in checkers in one fell swoop, it is more reasonable to focus on systematic advancement, carefully fixing each micro-victory. You have to “just” come to the gym every day, write a new article, do another iteration of the product, and do it without any strain, stimulants, or motivational yelling. Interestingly, over time, you realize that the process itself from “E2-E4” to “Сheck and mate” turns out to be just as rewarding as the result. A moderate pace, without jumps, jerks and somersaults, drop by drop fills the glass of your life with the nectar of autonomy, confidence, and most importantly, meaning.
Sincerely yours,
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