What holds you back? / by Alexander Lyadov

"I'd like to expand my business, but can't seem to find anyone to invest."

"The service business provides decent income, but alas, it cannot be sold."

"Asia is lucrative, but without a local partner, it's a no-go."

Where can I find a COO guaranteed to take the routine out?"

"Ah, if only I had X, then I would definitely achieve the desired Y."

Since X is a fantastic requirement, there is no progress at all.

My experience with founders has convinced me that there is no real need for X.

Everything you need right now has long been lying at your feet.

But something stubbornly prevents you from noticing and picking it up. What is it?

For example, the craving to make one bet and instantly win the jackpot.

Or the fixation that success is achieved only in a certain way, and not otherwise.

Perhaps it is the fear of letting go of the boring but comfortable status quo.

Sometimes it turns out that it's not the Y you dreamed of.

Or by denying the ugly form, you miss the precious essence.

Yours sincerely,


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