Warming expertise / by Alexander Lyadov

Because of the regular power outages in Kyiv and the fact that Winter Is Coming, I decided to buy a gas stove just in case. Mind said: “Pick an easier, cheaper, and quicker option.” But, judging by my behavior, my body labeled the task as super important. For a few days now, I've been scrupulously studying reviews that compare the pros and cons of different systems to the exact seconds and grams. There are gas, liquid, solid and multi-fuel stoves. Separate or integrated into a single mechanism. There are good quality things from China or inventive wonders from Japan. And that's just the stove, but there are also mugs, flashlights and other tools that greatly facilitate the life of a citizen who found himself without light, water or heat. In short, another rabbit hole opened up, the bottom of which is not visible.

And so it is everywhere. Whether it's choosing a CRM-system for business, sneakers for jogging or carbine for self-defense, every time you expect to see a couple of options, but it turns out that they have no end in sight. You wouldn't know it, but there's a community of passionate people who have been collecting knowledge about this subject for years, bit by bit. A naive person would cringe, "All these nuances are superfluous." Not at all, it's just that their significance is truly realized through personal negative experiences.

They say that the instructions for skydiving are written in blood. But you could say that about anything. In yesterday's video review, a Finnish blogger seriously warned: "And please don't try to put alcohol in a working stove." That wouldn’t have occurred to you. But apparently, there are enough people in the world who don't mind throwing wood on the fire, so to speak. One stove you can’t break, another folds up into a thimble, the third holds a flame in any wind. There is an optimum solution for every type of force majeure.

When you do something long and thoroughly, you're bound to notice patterns that aren't obvious to everyone else. This knowledge protects against hidden risks and increases the return on investment of time, effort or money. The one who assembles valuable patterns into a coherent system is an expert. One tip from an expert can propel you along the learning curve into turbo mode.

And in what area are you an expert? Or perhaps even a Master?

Sincerely yours,


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