Upside Down Beliefs / by Alexander Lyadov

In modern culture, much of it is backward and upside down.

For example, ask anyone if they’re satisfied with their life. Most likely, they’ll say, "No, I’m missing a lot. I’ll only be happy once I finally get 1, 2, and 3."

Then, ask them what they think of their future, and you’ll probably hear, "I'm terrified that X, Y, or Z might occur."

This kind of person can't help but suffer. How could they not? On one hand, they’re disappointed with what they already have. On the other hand, they’re afraid of what’s inevitably coming.

The present reality doesn’t meet their past expectations. And the future has already let them down by not giving them what they wished.

But saying “doesn’t meet” or “let down” is naive. It's not reality that has a problem—it’s them. Reality couldn’t care less about people.

While we imagine all kinds of things, existence just is.

The way out is in the same place as the way in. If illusions bring suffering, then the search for truth brings freedom, joy, and peace.

Let’s turn these popular beliefs inside out, like socks:

“I’m grateful for what I already have.”

“I trust whatever is yet to come.”

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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