Unconscious Universe / by Alexander Lyadov

The universe gives us what we subconsciously want. Even if your mind is convinced otherwise.

At every moment, countless phenomena surround you. But somehow, from this vast array, you pick one, then another, completely ignoring the rest. They don't grab you.

It gets to the point where a person ignores what could bankrupt or even kill him. Colleagues cry out, "Wake up! You'll burn out at work!" And yet, he smirks and cracks open another can of Red Bull.

And it doesn't matter what he says. Look at his actions—they make sense, even if they seem intricate and strange, like a European eyeing hieroglyphs.

Social media architects exploit our hidden interests to the fullest. Just pause on a post with X, not even liking or buying anything, and your digital universe starts morphing into an endless X. You get what you ordered.

There's no mystique in this. We hardly know ourselves. "I don't get what came over me," says one. "I didn't plan any of this, I just..." another tries to explain his odd behavior.

Don't rush to despair. Let's assume you see not reality, but only a tiny and distorted piece of it. So, your universe can expand at any moment. You need to learn to read the "hieroglyphs" your subconscious is drawing.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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