Uncomfortable Truth / by Alexander Lyadov

Thinking, speaking, writing, and simply living honestly can be incredibly challenging. The consequences can be unpredictably immense. When you point out the falsehood of something, you expose the vulnerability of those who haven't acknowledged it yet. Out of fear, they may attempt to silence you, strip you of resources, or even destroy you. It might seem like you're just describing reality, but how can they go on living when their microcosm is 90% built on lies? They might not survive the fire of truth. If something significant is at stake, sure. But it's hardly the case every single time.

Furthermore, you can also fall into the trap of self-deception. How much suffering has been caused throughout history by those convinced of their righteousness? Feeling like the bearer of truth is extraordinarily satisfying. It's a guaranteed way to give meaning to your existence, looking down on lost souls who need awakening. So, justifying some violence against the "unbelievers" is easy, all in the name of their well-being, of course. Sacrificing for it is a small price to pay (by them, not you).

How can you avoid getting lost in the games of the mind and ego? I see no other way than working on yourself. Truth isn't some virtuous absolute idea; it's the intention to seek and find it in every moment. Yes, this path is tougher because it's filled with uncertainty and doubt. Mistakes are inevitable too. But being honest with yourself will help you apologize and correct your course in time, avoiding catastrophes. The question is, why would you be able to burn the lies into yourself, given how uncomfortable it is? Someone must love you unconditionally first. And then teach you to accept yourself as you are.

Sincerely yours,


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