Jacques Hnizdovsky, Sunflower. Woodcut. This work was in John F. Kennedy's office
Looking back on the past year, I want to say thank you. The readers of the newsletter give me an opportunity to write. Fish need to let the oxygen dissolved in the water flow through their gills. And my need is to catch new meaning in an ocean of chaos with a net of texts. Through articles I think, learn, and solve dilemmas. How fortunate that the product does not lie on the shelf, but meets your lively eyes.
It is not symbiosis, for we are free to choose a partner. We have a cooperative, noncommittal relationship for everyone’s benefit. With you I have had an easier time with the difficulties of which 2022 was rich. Judging by the return emails, the newsletter is valuable to you as well. Some find answers, some find questions, and some find food for thought.
Beyond the obvious, I want to wish you in 2023 to be at peace with yourself. After all, you are the cornerstone, the point of reference and the beginning of coordinates. And not in the abstract cosmic sense, but specifically here and now. Family, friends, colleagues and clients read the state of your mind. And then, amplifying it many times, transmit it further down the chain. Let it be steadfastness, endurance, and determination. While the enemy fills with entropy and rolls toward decay, our power grows with each day we live under the blows.
Kyiv has stood for 1540 years, it has seen things, it will stand for more. And this, what is it, I forget, you know - today it is there, and tomorrow it is not. Because the real life is in the place where there is Spirit, but not fossil fuel bloated form. The Spirit is in Ukraine. Everyone has realized this reality.
Yours sincerely,
You can help Ukraine defend itself and the World from Russian aggression here.
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