Maturity’s Secret / by Alexander Lyadov

Children don’t know the difference between possible and impossible. Anything can exist and not exist at the same time.

Later, experience piles up, and rules sink in. A defense against catastrophic mistakes develops. But at the same time, the lift to the top disappears.

An adult is someone who has stopped dreaming and now lives by calculation. Predictable. Reliable. Safe. He won’t surprise you, but he won’t disappoint you either.

However, true maturity belongs to the one who rediscovers the child within—without abandoning the adult. This opens the door to the best of both worlds:

  • Curiosity and care.

  • Play and discipline.

  • Vision and execution.

  • Openness and insight.

  • Flexibility and resilience.

  • Courage and responsibility.

  • Spontaneity and awareness.

  • Belief in miracles—and the ability to create them.

In the 8th century, Zen master Qingyuan Weixin said:

“Before I studied Zen, mountains were mountains, and rivers were rivers. When I began my practice, mountains were no longer mountains, and rivers were no longer rivers.

But when I reached enlightenment, mountains were mountains again, and rivers were rivers again.”

Yours sincerely,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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