Life is in-Between / by Alexander Lyadov

Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher captured the process of meaning emerging from nothing better than anyone else. We have the chance to witness this mystery up close.

Contrary to popular belief, something doesn’t appear from nothing in an instant. The ever-rushing, unrefined gaze of people only notices a new phenomenon when it’s already nearly formed.

But the young pattern had been growing in the soil of reality for quite some time. This is the paradox of the “in-between” state—being and not being at once. At this point, you can’t know, only believe.

M.C. Escher understood this transitional state well because he lived in it himself:

I don’t belong anywhere any more… I hover between mathematics and art.

True life can only be grasped at the intersection:

  • conscious and unconscious.

  • transience and permanence.

  • structure and improvisation.

  • symmetry and distortion.

  • knowledge and mystery.

  • limitations and freedom.

  • randomness and order.

  • reality and imagination.

  • seriousness and play.

  • turbulence and calm.

  • form and emptiness.

  • logic and intuition.

  • truth and illusion.

  • matter and spirit.

  • light and shadow.

Yours sincerely,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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