Things Will Change / by Alexander Lyadov

American historian Stephen Kotkin said, "History never tells you what the future is going to be. Nobody can do that. But what history can tell you the Present is not gonna last. That things are gonna change. Because it happened many many times over."

Think of the secret behind the best TV shows. While watching, you often gasp, "How?! No way! What now?" When you can't predict the events, you can't wait for the next episode.

Life also refuses to let go of our attention.

Just when everything settles and we relax, a glitch occurs. Frustrated, we have to get back into the process. Hard? But it’s not boring, is it?

Sometimes we hit a dead end. The pressure builds, and we can't breathe. But what’s this? At the last moment, a fresh idea or unexpected help appears out of nowhere.

Life smirks, "The game isn’t over. The show must go on!"

This is the dilemma: sometimes its show is impossible to watch, but you can't stop watching either.

So, what to do?

Think about the message life is trying to give you (and all of us) through the colorful and unpredictable stories.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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