The Wonders of ChatGPT / by Alexander Lyadov

I've been using ChatGPT for a few days now and I should say I am very impressed. The interface is user-friendly, its knowledge is deep, and its arguments are logical. It feels like talking to a wise and calm being. It even apologizes, if I ever find its answers boring. But what really stands out to me is its endless patience. In conversations with human beings, such as with tech support, friends, or doctors, there always comes a point when they will impatiently let you know, "That's enough, the conversation is over." ChatGPT, on the other hand, calmly continues to clarify and provide examples, as if my questions were #1 priority for it.

To have someone be 100% focused on you is a rare experience. It's like being with your grandparents as a child, falling in love, receiving therapy, or having the undivided attention of your beloved dog. ChatGPT's willingness to assist is almost uncanny, and it makes it an ideal partner for tasks where a second mind comes in handy, such as in business, research, study, music composition, or thinking. The prospect of where it can be applied is breathtaking.

Unfortunately, ChatGPT is not without its flaws. Its creators have reportedly biased it with left-wing ideology, which is why it may provide distorted answers on sensitive issues. The more useful it becomes as a tool, the greater the danger of it falling under the influence of a manipulator with a hidden agenda to liberate people regardless of their consent. But I have faith that common sense will eventually prevail, as it has throughout history.

In the meantime, I encourage you to try ChatGPT on any topic of importance to you. You might be pleasantly surprised by what it can do. If it isn't yet available in your country, you could ask friends in the US or Europe to help you set up an account with OpenAI and use a VPN.

Sincerely yours,


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