The Unstoppable Force: What Drives True Creators / by Alexander Lyadov

What question is often asked of writer Stephen King?

"Why do you write such terrifying stories?"

He replies, "Why do you assume I have a choice?"

This is the essence of any true creator's attitude.

Sculptors, scientists, poets, and of course, technology company founders.

All of them are instruments, albeit with wills of their own.

A certain force writes with them, like a hand with a pencil on paper.

Fighting against this force is akin to trying to stifle Homeric laughter.

Worse, ignoring its call is fraught with depression and disease.

But by surrendering to it, the founder drinks from a source of possibilities, energy, and ideas.

What is unthinkable for others becomes routine for him.

All assets can be taken away from the founder, and hell rebuild everything, until...

...until the fire burns inside him: "I just can't not do it".

Yours sincerely,


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