The Unseen Value Of Imperfect Opportunity / by Alexander Lyadov

Do you know what a new opportunity is similar to? It's like a bouquet of flowers. As soon as it appears in front of us, it immediately starts to become obsolete. Like an isotope with a half-life, the lifespan of an opportunity is very short. But many people are convinced that fortune will always be waiting for them. However, seeing such disrespect towards itself, fortune leaves them with nothing.

Yes, often an opportunity doesn't quite match our expectations of it. "It's not quite right. If only..." we grumble to it. But just like breast milk is only suitable for a helpless infant, an adult must find, prepare, and chew his (or her) own food. Imperfect opportunities are not a defect or insignificance on their part. On the contrary, they acknowledge our ability to evaluate and develop them.

The more experienced entrepreneurs are, the more grateful they are to fate. A dirty, strange, and ugly opportunity doesn't repel or scare them. And the fewer other applicants, the higher their status as a chosen one. In essence, the scale of success depends on the reaction to the wildest opportunity. And the speed of reaction depends on experience, knowledge, and the belief "I can do that."

Yours sincerely,


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