The Power of Local Order in the Midst of Market Chaos / by Alexander Lyadov

It's no secret that in business, there are as many unpredictabilities as there are fleas on a stray dog's fur. But just as a doctor needs sterility from bacteria and microbes to perform an operation, certainty (reliability, stability) is extremely important for a company's growth. Market chaos itself is not frightening to an entrepreneurs if they they have an island of local order on which they can confidently rely, catch their breath, and regain strength no matter what happens in the world.

What steel threads are woven into a chainmail of this order? Undoubtedly, it is a proven business model, streamlined processes, know-how, intellectual property, diversified customer base, reliable team, shareholder consensus, liquidity reserve, etc. However, the starting point is always the attitude with which the founder looks into the abyss that terrifies everyone else to death. Like a silkworm, an entrepreneurs continuously produce a thread from which they then weave their cocoon in which the caterpillar transforms into a pupa. And just as others cannot obtain silk without a silkworm, no one is needed to create for an entrepreneur.

This by no means suggests that an entrepreneurs are all-powerful and invulnerable. A cascade of unfavorable factors can crush their cocoon. Knowing this, the founders obsessively seeks opportunities to strengthen their system's resilience. In this sense, as a partner, employee, investor, or service provider, you can provide tangible benefits to the entrepreneurs. All that is required is to become a source of predictability for them, that is, also to be an island of local order. Trust me, today, in the turbulent stream of change, this is already a lot.

Yours sincerely,


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