The Poisonous Pleasure / by Alexander Lyadov

"I don't like dealing with back problems, especially the chronic ones," said the experienced rehabilitation specialist. He explained that the cause of the illness usually comes from the patient's lifestyle. Hardly anyone is willing to change it, which makes his help almost useless. "That's so true!" I thought, "It's the same story in the business world."

Certain entrepreneurs and CEOs seem to think, "I'll keep harming my body, but give me a pill to cure it so I can keep enjoying the harm." For instance, a business owner complains about managers not taking initiative, conflicts between departments, profits going down, and a lack of new ideas. The analysis shows that in the company, the balance of responsibility and authority is messed up, and there's no clear leader. The owner listens carefully to the conclusions, nodding in agreement... but doesn't rush to fix the situation.

The rehabilitation specialist explained why. The company's problems didn't just appear out of nowhere. A therapist might say that the owners get some secondary gains from the way things are. Although they say they're ready for business growth, deep down, they secretly enjoy this chaotic state.

Every founder's personality has its own secret. Some control people like this, others repeat patterns from their families, and some hold onto their old beliefs. It's really important to understand that help only makes sense when reality corners the founder: "Does your pleasure really justify losing your entire business because of it?"

Sincerely yours,


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As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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