The Poison of Plenty: Why Abundance Can Be Dangerous for Entrepreneurs / by Alexander Lyadov

People have long understood how a lack of something, like hunger, can be deadly. The consequences of excess, however, may not be immediately apparent, but they are just as dangerous. For example, excessive body fat increases the risk of mortality by 50%. It may seem that eradicating hunger should lead to a long and prosperous life, but this is not the case.

Having defeated disease, an abundance of cure now becomes poison. For instance, many empires fell not due to external attacks, but because security and abundance bred laziness, debauchery, and indolence. As a result, societies imploded from within, due to a vacuum of meaning and sharp contradictions.

Smart entrepreneurs eliminate any vulnerability in their business. Wise founders are just as concerned about excess as they are about scarcity. Therefore, they intentionally impose restrictions on themselves and their business. For instance, they create a board of directors to hold themselves accountable, or introduce a minimum rate of return for investments in any project. Some entrepreneurs consciously refrain from paying themselves dividends from their immense profits, reinvesting them in the business. They reasonably fear becoming a softened and demotivated king from a once energetic and ambitious contender.

Yours sincerely,


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